AllSync Version History
Date: 06 Mar 2025- UPD: The UI rendering component has been updated.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes have been made.
Date: 19 Dec 2024- NEW: Options / Mail Server / E-Mail Account / Subject: The new placeholders %D and %T can be used to display the date and/or the current time in the email subject.
- NEW: Profile Properties / Copy Options / Folder Options: Added option 'Transfer folder date of source folders to existing destination folders' to subsequently transfer the folder date from all folders in the source to the destination folders.
- NEW: Documentation: Added the tutorial 'Synchronize files between Android phone and computer'.
- NEW: The user interface is now also available in Chinese.
- UPD: The UI rendering component has been updated.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes have been made.
Date: 19 July 2024- NEW: Profile Properties / Options / Log: Added the option 'Copy profile log file to each destination folder'.
- NEW: Profile Properties / External / VBScript: Added the script 'RenameFileAndCreateFileHistory.vbs'.
- UPD: The UI rendering component has been updated.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes have been made.
Date: 15 Feb 2024- NEW: Profile Properties / Filter Assistant / Toolbar: With the new 'STOP' button, the expansion of the subfolders of all source and target folders can be stopped prematurely.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes have been made.
Date: 12 Feb 2024- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes have been made.
Date: 08 Feb 2024- NEW: The user interface has been revised in all areas for the new dark mode, which can be used to change the appearance of the user interface from light to dark.
- NEW: AllSync Menu bar / 'View' Menu: Added 'Dark Mode' option.
- NEW: Options / Layout / User Interface: Added 'Dark Mode' option.
- NEW: Profile Properties / VB scripts: With the new 'Select VB script' button, existing VB scripts can now be added without creating a new VB script.
- NEW: Profile Properties / Profile Chaining: The chaining profile can now be deactivated.
- NEW: Profile Properties / Profile Chaining: The profile to be chained is now selected via a text field with a drop-down list.
- NEW: Profile Chaining / Toolbar: Added buttons to jump to the next or previous profile chaining.
- UPD: Profile Chaining: The profile name is now displayed in a separate column.
- UPD: Profile Chaining: The drag and drop functionality of the profiles has been optimized.
- UPD: Profile List: The drag and drop functionality of profiles and folders has been optimized.
- UPD: AllSync Options / Layout / User Interface: The theme designs are now sorted from light to dark.
- UPD: Profile Properties / Copy Options / 'Identify the process that is blocking access to a file': If error 103 occurs when compressing a file, the blocking process is now automatically identified and displayed in the log.
- UPD: Log Manager: The changed font size is now saved and restored on the next start.
- UPD: The selection dialog for folders or files has been revised.
- UPD: The documentation has been revised in various areas.
- UPD: The UI rendering component has been updated.
- UPD: The component for sending emails has been updated.
- INFO: AllSync is no longer compatible with Windows Vista.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes have been made.
Date: 16 Nov 2023- NEW: AllSync Professional/Business Edition: With the new log archiving, general log files of a certain size can be automatically moved to the archive folder and additionally compressed.
- NEW: AllSync Options / Log: Added option 'Archive log files if larger than ... MB'.
- NEW: AllSync Data Backup / Export: Added option 'Archived log files'.
- NEW: AllSync Data Backup / Import: Added option 'Archived log files'.
- NEW: Profile Properties / Profile Chaining: Added button to delete profile chaining.
- UPD: The UI rendering component has been updated.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes have been made.
Date: 12 Oct 2023- NEW: Profile Properties / External / Drives: TrueCrypt & VeraCrypt containers can now be mounted to a drive letter.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes have been made.
Date: 09 Sept 2023- NEW: Profile Properties / Filters: The new Filter Assistant gives you an overview of how your folder filters affect the subfolders of the source and destination folders and you can also create new folder filters.
- NEW: Profile Properties / Filter: Added button to start the Filter Assistant.
- NEW: Profile Properties / Filter List: Added context menu for editing, copying and removing a filter.
- NEW: Profile Properties: The Windows environment variables are now clearly displayed in a table and can be copied to the clipboard by double-clicking.
- NEW: Scheduler / Task / Start type 'Monthly': Added Selection Assistant for calendar days and days of the week.
- NEW: Scheduler / Task / Start type 'Weekly' & 'Monthly': The Selection Assistant can now also be called up via the context menu.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes have been made.
Date: 11 Aug 2023- NEW: Profile Assistant: It is now possible to exclude subfolders from the selected source and destination folder.
- NEW: Profile Properties / Folder List / Context Menu: Added 'Select and exclude subfolders' command.
- NEW: Options / Folder Templates: The list of folder templates can now be searched.
- NEW: Tool 'Measure Copy Speed': Toolbar added.
- NEW: Profile Chaining: Toolbar added.
- UPD: Profile Properties / Filter: The 'Add Multiple File Filters' and 'Add Multiple Folder Filters' menu actions have been moved from the 'Filter Templates' button drop-down menu to the new 'Add Filter' button drop-down menu.
- UPD: The copy preview rendering component has been updated.
- UPD: The UI rendering component has been updated.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 13 June 2023- NEW: Profile Properties / Options / Copy Preview: Various actions for removing files and folders in a copy preview can now be set individually for each profile.
- NEW: AllSync / Options / Profiles: Added 'Disable source and destination folder overlap checking' option.
- UPD: AllSync / Options / Date-Time format: The display of whether the specified date-time format is compatible with deleting old log entries has been optimized.
- UPD: The documentation has been revised.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 25 May 2023- NEW: Log window: The size of the symbols can now be changed via the context menu of the toolbar.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 22 May 2023- NEW: Copy preview: The context menu for folders and files has been revised and optimized for faster access to the various commands.
- NEW: Report window: The 'Expand' and 'Delete' toolbars have been added, giving the user faster access to the various commands.
- NEW: AllSync Options / Copy Preview / File Comparison: Added 'Select and download program' button.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 02 May 2023- NEW: E-Mail: The option 'When should the e-mail be sent' has been expanded to include the option 'Only if no changes have been made'.
- UPD: Options / Copy preview / File comparison: The program parameters for the external comparison program must now be specified in a separate text field.
- UPD: The folder templates for system folders and storage locations of other programs have been revised.
- UPD: The component for sending E-Mails has been updated.
- UPD: The UI rendering component has been updated.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 16 Mar 2023- NEW: Documentation: Added the tutorial 'How Restore files from a backup'.
- UPD: AllSync Option 'Sounds': All sound files (*.wav) from the Windows folder 'Media' can now be selected directly via the text field using a drop-down list.
- UPD: Profile properties / Copy method D: The command line parameters of the external program must now be specified in a separate text field.
- UPD: Profile properties: Expert View can now be activated via an option below the menu.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 13 Feb 2023- NEW: Folder Templates: With the new folder templates, you have the option of quickly and easily selecting predefined folders in various program areas without having to spend time selecting them via a tree structure or entering them manually. The folder templates are accessed via a text field with a drop-down list. If you use a folder that does not yet exist in the list of folder templates, it will be added automatically.
- NEW: AllSync Option 'Folder Templates': Here you can manage the list of folder templates by adding new folders, editing folder paths or removing folders from the list. It is also possible to automatically add the source and target folders of all profiles to the folder list.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 24 Dec 2022- NEW: AllSync Professional/Business Edition: The new ZIP tool allows you to unzip, test and list the contents of the ZIP files created with AllSync. See AllSync menu bar -> Extras -> ZIP-Tool.
- NEW: Profile Properties / Copy mode 'Backup' / Data Compression / File Splitting: New option to set the compatibility of split ZIP files.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 04 Nov 2022- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 13 Sept 2022- NEW: AllSync Professional/Business Edition: With the new File Lock Tool you can check which process is blocking a file. See AllSync menu bar -> Extras -> File Lock Tool.
- NEW: Profile Properties / Copy Options: Added option 'Identify the process that is locking a file'. This option is used to identify the blocking process when copying a file encounters error #32 ('The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process') or #33 ('The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file').
- NEU: Profile Properties / External / Drives: Added the option 'Wait this number of seconds before disconnecting a drive letter'.
- NEW: Log Pane / Context Menu: If you right-click on a log line with an error message that occurred when copying a file, you can now check the source or target file with the new 'File Lock Tool'.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 02 Aug 2022- NEW: AllSync Application Data Backup: The import and export of application data has been revised and optimized.
- NEW: AllSync Application Data Backup: When importing or exporting, detailed information about the data backup is now displayed in a log window.
- NEW: AllSync Application Data Backup / Import: You can now use the 'Restart' button to restart AllSync for the imported data to take effect.
- NEW: Documentation: Added the tutorial 'How can I transfer AllSync to another computer?'.
- UPD: Documentation / Cope Mode Sync / Reference File: Added important note for using multiple source and target folders.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 13 July 2022- NEW: Profile Properties / Copy Options / Copy Method D: Added the options 'Delete Source File' & 'Secure Delete'.
- UPD: Documentation: The tutorial 'Securely delete files from a source folder' has been adapted to the new option 'Delete Source File'.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 17 June 2022- NEW: AllSync / Log / Toolbar: With the new button 'Change position', the log window can now be positioned either at the bottom or on the right in the window.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 09 Mar 2022- NEW: Profile Properties / Data Protection / Backup Folder: Added button to convert drive letter to '%{drive letter}:{drive name}%'.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 11 Feb 2022- NEW: Scheduler / Task / E-Mail: You can now specify whether the log is sent as text in the e-mail and/or as an attachment.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 20 Jan 2022- NEW: Main Toolbar: The main window of AllSync, the AllSync Scheduler and the AllSync Service Tool can now be positioned in different places on the desktop with an adjusted size via a new button.
- NEW: Service Tool / Options: Added the option 'Start the Service Tool automatically after user login'.
- NEW: Service Tool / Options: With the 'Display a notification in the Windows notification area for the following events' option you can have a notification displayed in the Windows notification area when the task starts or ends or when an error message occurs.
- UPD: Service Tool: The icon displayed in the Windows notification area has been optimized so that the status of the service tool is easier to see.
- UPD: Service Tool: The service can now be started or stopped via the context menu of the icon in the notification area of the taskbar.
- UPD: Scheduler / Task List: The last status of a task is now displayed again after restarting the scheduler.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 30 Dec 2021- NEW: Scheduler / Options / General: With the new option 'Scheduler Activation' you can now specify that the scheduler is activated automatically on startup or that the last activation status is restored.
- NEW: Scheduler / Options / General: The option 'Minimize window' has been added to the 'Automatically start and activate AllSync Scheduler when starting Windows' option.
- NEW: Scheduler / Options / Layout: Added the option 'Clicking the close button only minimizes the scheduler'.
- NEW: Scheduler / Options / Layout: You can now specify that the scheduler should be displayed in the Windows taskbar and/or as an icon in the notification area of the taskbar.
- NEW: Scheduler / Options / Task: With the option 'Show pop up messages at the notification area of the Windows taskbar' all notifications can be switched on and off.
- NEW: Scheduler / Task / Task Start: Added the option 'Show pop up message at the notification area of the Windows taskbar'.
- NEW: Scheduler / Task / Task Running: Added the option 'Show error messages in the notification area of the Windows taskbar'.
- NEW: Scheduler / Task / Task End: Added the option 'Show pop up message at the notification area of the Windows taskbar'.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 24 Dec 2021- NEW: Report / Filter Templates: New toolbar added for quick access to the standard filter templates and the first 10 user filter templates.
- NEW: Profile Start Confirm Dialog: Added the option 'Deactivate profile chaining'.
- UPD: Profile Properties / Copy Options: With the 'Monitor the file size for changes before copying a file' option, the interval between checks can now be set in milliseconds instead of seconds.
- UPD: Scheduler: The icon displayed in the Windows notification area has been optimized so that the status of the scheduler (activated / deactivated) is easier to see.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 30 Nov 2021- NEW: Profile Properties / Data Protection: Added a new option to specify the folder structure with which the data to be backed up is to be saved in the backup folder: 'Save the data with the complete path in the backup folder' or 'Save data in the backup folder with the path starting from the last folder of the destination folder'.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 09 Nov 2021- NEW: Copy Mode 'Backup' / Options: Login data can now be specified for the path of the complete backup.
- NEW: Profile List / Toolbar: The buttons can now be hidden using the right-click menu.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 17 Oct 2021- INFO: Internet-Update: The downloaded update file was always deleted directly before it could be executed. Please log in to the customer area to download the latest update.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 16 Oct 2021- NEW: When installing AllSync via the setup file, additional desktop shortcuts for AllSync, the scheduler and the service tool can now be created, with which the programs can be started explicitly with administrator rights.
- NEW: When installing AllSync via the setup file, additional program links are now created for AllSync, the scheduler and the service tool for execution with administrator rights in the start menu.
- NEW: Profile Properties / Source and destination folders: The profile folders of Mozilla Thunderbird can now be selected in the folder templates.
- NEW: Profile Properties / Source and destination folders: The profile and download folders of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge can now be selected in the folder templates.
- FIX: Various optimizations and bug fixes were carried out.
Date: 02 Oct 2021GENERAL
- The user interface has been completely revised with a modern design and improved usability.
- Support for Unicode characters everywhere in the program.
- Import of all profiles and scheduler tasks from AllSync version 2 and 3.
- AllSync can be used with Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista. Windows XP is no longer supported.
- The user interface and the help file of AllSync is inherently available in English and German language.
- Various optimizations and new enhancements have been introduced in various sections of AllSync. Various bugs have been fixed.
- Now you can specify your own hotkeys for the commands at the menu and toolbars.
- The new log manager enables you to view all log files directly inside the program.
- Copy Mode Sync: The time requirement for saving or loading a reference list was optimized and is much faster when syncing a large number of files.
- Report Window / Toolbar 'Filter': Now you can save your filter settings as templates.
- Report Window: Now you can open the context menu of the Windows Explorer with a file or folder using the middle mouse button.
- Copy Preview / Info Statistics: Now you can filter the report by double-clicking a file or folder action.
- Profile List / Context Menu 'Folder': Added the command 'Create Screenshots of the Profile Properties from all Profiles'.
- Options / Copy Preview: Added the option 'Show File Info Table after copy preview'.
- Options / Profile List: Added an option to select the icon for the profile folders.
- Options / Logs: Added the option 'Delete daily log files if they are older than'.
- Options / Report Window: Added the option 'Unicode-Support'.
- Options / Date-Time Format: Added the options 'First Day of the Week' and 'First Week of the Year'.
- Filter: The filters for file and folders has been completely revised.
- Filter: Now you can filter files and folders by the folder level.
- Filter: Now you can use Regular Expressions (RegEx) to filter files and folders.
- Copy Options / Compare Method: Added the options 'SHA-2 (256-Bit)', 'SHA-2 (384-Bit)' and 'SHA-2 (512-Bit)'.
- External / Programs: Now you can run multiple programs at the start/end of the profile.
- External / VB-Scripts: Now you can run multiple VB-Scripts at the start/end of the profile.
- External / Drives: Now you can unlock encrypted drives from Bitlocker, TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt.
- External / Drives: Added the options 'Abort profile if a drive can't be connected' and 'Abort profile if all drives can't be connected'.
- Menu: Now you can change the Expert View using a toggle switch in the top right corner of the menu.
- Added a new menu bar.
- Task List: Now you can hide the columns via the menu bar.
- Task List: Added the columns 'State' and 'Runtime'.
- Task List: Now you can change the font at the options.
- Task: The new startup mode 'Scheduler Activation' enables you to start a task when the scheduler will be activated.
- Task: The new startup mode 'Screen Saver' enables you to start a task after the Screen Saver is started.
- Task: The new startup mode 'System Idle' enables you to start a task after the system is idle for a certain time period.
- Task: The new startup mode 'System Wake-Up' enables you to start a task after the system wakes up from Standby or hibernation.
- Task: The new startup mode 'Monitor Standby' enables you to start a task after the monitor goes into Standby mode.
- Task / Startup Mode 'Monitoring': Now you can monitor 2 folders with each task.
- Task / Startup Mode 'Windows Start': Added the option 'Run only once a day'.
- Options / Layout: Added an option to change the font of the task list.
- State: Added the display of the used TCP port and the last connection between the Service Tool and the Scheduler Service.
- Setup: Now you start the Windows Management Console via a button.
- Options: Changing the TCP port doesn't require a restart of the Service Tool anymore.
- Toolbar: Add the button 'Calculate the expenditure of time for all actions at the log window'.
- Log / Context Menu: A right-click on a row with an error message shows the new menu entry 'Show help for error no. x'.
- Log / Context Menu: A right-click on a row with an error message shows the new menu entry 'Search for error no. x on the internet'
- Log / Context Menu: A right-click on a row with an error message enables the menu entry 'Open folder' if the source/destination file/folder is available at the log entry.
- Log / Context Menu: A right-click on a row with an error message extends the menu entry 'Copy to Clipboard' to copy the source/destination file/folder path.